Get Inspired!



Zarah Butler is a beautiful woman that gets to hear my music before it exists, while it's in the making, while it's trash, and if it's nice and clean. She is my girl, my best friend, my wife and my top inspiration.

What Is Inspiration?

What is inspiration? Simply put; it's the feeling of being moved to do something creative.

How To Get Inspired?

We obtain it in various ways but the easiest method to be inspired is to live life, spend time with others, experience hardship, experience happiness, fulfillment, reflect on the past. These are just to name a few but it's incredible how we can find even the greatest inspirations in our own homes. Do you have a photo album? Do you have a school year book? Perhaps you have a favorite movie, book, TV series, or maybe a video game?

Sometimes we can talk to close friends and gain that push we need to accomplish something. For example when sharing my musical endeavors with Zarah, she always provides me with realistic and constructive criticism. This shouldn't be viewed as negative, instead it propels me to do better and sometimes you will be surprised at what you can do with the right push!

Having a stranger give you feedback can be scary but it's even scarier when someone close to you gives you that same feedback because sometimes it can hurt. However, it's what we do with the information. We can allow those feelings to get in the way of the art, or allow it to empower us. In my personal case, I take it as a challenge and allow it to inspire me to be greater!


So if possible, get involved with the things you enjoy, experience life, and communicate with others. Life is too short to miss out on how you can be inspired to do something great.